Claire submitted a guest blog post previously, providing an insight into her book "Designing Connected Products: UX for the Consumer Internet of Things". We're happy to hear it has now launched with great success.

Below is just a selection of the glowing reviews received; for more, check out her website:
"This is more than a UX book; it covers all of the critical design and technology issues around making great connected products."
David Rose - Entrepreneur, MIT Media Lab Researcher, and author of Enchanted Objects
"Usability is THE challenge for the Internet of Things. This book is full of excellent guidance on how to achieve that most elusive, but essential, quality of an IoT product: simplicity. This book shows you how to delight your connected product customers by treating their attention as the precious and finite resource that it is."
Pilgrim Beart, Founder, AlertMe
"The authors do a fantastic job of not only exposing the complexities of a future pervaded by connected things, but suggesting exactly how we can consciously go about preventing that complexity from overwhelming us. This book will be an essential reference for designers as they come to grips with creating these new type of things that will live throughout our lives."
Ben Fullerton - Design Director, Nike+
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